27 December, 2010

An extra workload

It is after christmas now and i am finally ready to plan and execute my mission of liberating Charlie and (hopefully) many others from a holding facility here in NYC. i'll need to call in some help of course, i'll get on to that maybe tomorrow. But actaully i wont, heres why i won't need to infiltrate any base (yet)---

i set out to find some food for lunch, i didn't feel like eating Lelian's health food. I mean, Christamas dinner was bad enough (she served TOFU, TOFU, a Tofu turkey? it was all i could do not to punch her, but then, maybe i'm just not used to it). So i was in the mall, i had considered swing by subway but i only eat chicken teriaki subs and this particular branch isn't very generous with the chicken. So i walked into a grocery store.
i know that could just use my powers to get more chicken but i said i was laying low right? which is the same reason why i had to pay full price for the first time in like 5 years. Then who should i see looking through some magazines but a man in a large trenchcoat with an aura with black swirls in it. sound familiar? i looked at him with a bit of anger, but mostly confusion, why would a powerful guy like that be in some common grocery store?

anyway i tried to read his mind, then he started talking to me telepathically:
"Cleopatra (gah, i hate it when people call me that) Elizabeth Tavara" he snickered aloud.
"what do you want?" i asked him using telepathy, i'm sure we must have looked strange, staring at each other unblinkingly but thats beside the point.
"As you know i'm a "bad" guy. I ripped half of your friends face, i ripped off other people limbs and for what?" I was puzzled, i kinda assumed is was a frankenstein thing but anyway- "i sell them for research, the governments Equinox tactics division pay hefty prices for samples of the more dangerous specimens. In exchange i'm kept alive and get enough money to retire by the time i'm thirty. Being twenty six, i'd say thats pretty good"
"so the whole thing with Tempest?" i asked him
"he's a bit different, the government see him as a threat to their operation, but i like to toy with people sometimes. he and his team would have been ripped to shreds by now but i like them, they're... unique. but they'll be killed eventually"
"are you the only one?"
"there are a few others, but i'm far more reliable due to my powers being far superior."
"why haven't you killed me yet?"
"i don't need to my queen" (i'm assuming this is a reference to my name being Cleopatra)
"why?" asked him cautiosly
"because you are going to help me"
"what's in it for me?" i asked him, suddenly interested
"your life" he said
"Your friend, Charlie, oh and Elle Bishop"
"Elle? she wouldn't be dumb enough to join up with you"
"She didn't join, i brought her in last night, found her in bar singing "one way or another", nice voice that girl, that's why i only knocked her out after she'd finished the song" he laughed.
Then he started to speak to me outloud.
"so are you in?"
"what do i have to do?"
"Take down the remaining members of The C.H.A.S.E. there aren't many, bring them in or kill them i don't care which, it'll sure be a nice amount of my workload. You'll also get 10,000 bucks a job"
i stood stunned.
I'll do it"

1 comment:

  1. So Hooded Guys agent is working for your law people? Wow! Very helpful news, thanks Cleo. Looks like yous stopping him help Hooded Guy take your bit by helping wiv his other thing too.

    I glad yous ok, and that Hooded Guys not as in control as what he thinks. Yay!
