21 October, 2010


Alison 'Ali' Rita Trellis. How does one describe my sister/best friend? Blonde. Although she wasn't much for understanding fancy shmancy talk she could make tings, she was a genius when it came to building stuff.

Charlie told me what happened to her today. Ali was called in for questioning by a group of specials who were working under cover for the government, naturally they had the inside gossip when it came to specials. Charlie and Ali had broken up when Ali decided to go to Arlington and Charlie had gotten a bigger work load, so anyways this all happened THEN Ali was hauled in for questioning. Charlie had called her several times to get her to pick up some old clothes. But she never returned home.
Charlie said that he went looking for her, knowing full well that she was probably still in custody, she'd never give away any of her friends or family, but those people could still have her. He came up fruitless for weeks and then months. Eventually he found a possible lead to England. he made it there without much trouble, but when he'd arrived where he hoped Ali would be he was caught by a SWAT team. The next day i "bailed" him out.
Ali remains missing but Charlie is persistent that she is a live.
"It's bad enough the the government getting away with kidnapping and sedating us Equinoxes, killing us only if we're a threat to society. But Ali is human. they wont kill her"
i nodded. i just wish i could find her.

20 October, 2010

The Great Escape

i'm out. out. i can't believe it, its not smooth sailings yet but i'm free.
I'll have to go back to the beginning to tell you what happened.

I had finally found a weak minded individual, a scientist who may have the brains but he has no stamina or will power, its obvious he doesn't like his job. He let me out easily, one thought and thats it. and not a moment too soon considering the fact that my powers were slowly getting weaker. I was groggy at first but managed to spring to life soon enough, killing all the guards with an easy one two swoop. i turned to free Hiro first, but he wasn't there- had he been moved? was he dead? maybe he was only on this level temporarily, of course- i didn't have time to find out. i couldn't stop time, i knew they'd done something! Alarms were going off now, i was too late to stop them i guess. i needed to get everybody out i TKed all of their noses-sedation thingy's away and out forcefields over the doors, but if they release the 'gas' (i'd heard the guards and scientists thinking about it) then this would all be for nothing. the prisoners were groggy but when they realized where they were they soon sprung into action.
There were a lot of fights, big explosions and all that jazz, it was very hard to see. i needed people to get of here, to show that we weren't going to give up without a fight. then the gas came on. it was getting dark, so dark. i ran full throttle for the door, TKing anyone who got in my way, but then i realized i needed inside information, so i TKed the doctor towards me (scientist, doctor whatever) and grabbed three specials on the way too, i couldn't summon so i had to grab. how fun. we ran for for our lives. elevators were jammed and tasors were firing left and right, my leg was still in very bad shape so i had to us TK to keep from falling over, me and my 4 companions were in for hell if we made it. A special (naturally we didn't have time for introductions) who i had chosen as an ally was shot in the head, we kept running.
the window. it was the only way, a door would be under way too much surveillance. i jumped, i kept the Doc and one companion up with TK, the other could fly.

we were shot at incessantly as we made our escape, until finally i'd managed to turn us invisible. we landed at Tempests place. i hope its safe there. it should be.
iv'e lost teleportation, summoning and time travel. which sucks.
The Doc (he refuses to tell me his name) has explained that he knew me in high school, he was a teacher who was impressed with my essay on evolution (i made it all up as i went along but he doesn't need to know that). i don;t remember him but its not like i remember anything much, Gina must be messing about with my mind. she hasn't been a problem much anymore which is good. anyway the Doc explained that he took away my powers of time/space manipulation so that i wouldn't be moved to a maximum security level. i asked him a bout Hiro and he said that Hiro wasn't being sedated for his powers, since they'd been taken away, he was being kept quiet. he died while i was asleep.
The fly guy was- wait for it- Charlie!!!!!! his hair was longer and more wild than what i remember and he was wearing glasses, it was hard for me to recognize him! once he's recovered (he ha a head injury from when he was brought in just yesterday, he's going to tell me everything. maybe he'll even know about Ali.
The second powered person is girl, her name is Kirstie. she has super strength.
i asked Doc how he was able to take away my powers without taking away ALL of them, he said it was a concentrated formula created by Mohinder Suresh. hmmmm....

18 October, 2010

Basements suck

Okay so i'm pretty sure that i'm in a basement. A cold, impersonal and slightly odorous basement. I'm sure that Elle's dead, i can't be positive but... Those SWAT guys are brutal. my mind powers are working fine, telepathy is the only way i can hear the outside world and technopathy is my link to my allies and friends. nice.

My plans aren't exactly foolproof so i'm expecting to stay here a little while longer, i'm hoping to get to a weak minded solider/scientist/whatever to release me, but so far my powers haven't been that strong. i'm sure that they're getting weaker by the second and soon i'll be like this until someone rescues me. My TK has stopped working recently so there goes plan B.
Did you know that Hiro Nakamura (is that how you spell it?) is here? probably not, i can here his thoughts. Mostly about Ando, you know 'is he okay?' 'will i ever get to see him again' 'he's my best friend!' 'i like pie'. stuff like that.
i hope he gets out of this too, he and i would make a great team. everybodys' thinking, they're scared, not really knowing if they're in a coma or they're just sleeping late again. i KNOW that i'm here, that this is a lab where they're taking samples of us all, Equinox hunting is getting far worse in the UK. i have to stop this whole thing, but how? who knows if i'll have time travel when i get out of this, chances are i will but you never know what they inject in people now days.
I'm gonna get out of here... i hope

16 October, 2010

My First Encounter with An Equinox Hunter

I don't think i need to explain the post very much.
Elle and I went shopping in some place on some street (i didn't really take much notice) when i realized that i kept turning heads i thought 'hmm, guess i look okay today' but it turns out that a SWAT team was following us. yeah i was bummed too. I guess they recognized Elle or me (my illusion is really bad now so iv'e simply been hoping like hell that they THINK i'm using illusion. But i can't seem to catch a break.
a tasor thing was shot , i turned around an TKed it right back at them, Elle electrocuted three of them with an extremely powerful burst of energy. Guns were ablaze. i tried to teleport us out of there but some one was blocking my powers now. she and i ran like hell.
The team were too fast though, Elle tripped over a sack of potatoes and the SWAT team had her, i continued running until finally 2 bullets hit me in my left leg.

I'm sedated now, i don't know where i am but i'm sedated and can't seem to wake up, but my mind powers are working fine.

14 October, 2010

Reunion and light shedding

Today Elle and I met up with Tempest, Playwrite, Diffy, Pete and Ragnorak and we went to the old base. We had some laughs and something to eat before we had to get down to business by testing the hand and syringes. Tempest asked about Ali, i explained that she'd dissapeared and i couldn't contact her, not even summon her. He offered to help but i told him not to, its too dangerous, I've got some people in mind anyway.
We began some testing.
"The blue liquid," Temp explained, "is a power." I looked at him in surprise, what did he mean a power? the formula gave powers, but it wasn't a power itself, it had some kind of adrenaline enhancing thing in them. But the blue liquid IS a power.
"what power?" i asked him, it was at this point that Playwrite walked out of the lab.
"We don't know, it's powerful though, i touched it and it burnt, but when i put a thermometer in it it was room temperature. It might be pyrokinesis or any other power involving fire, but the color makes it quite unlikely" He said. I nodded.
When we tested the syringes they were indeed the formula (told you! told you!) The company must have had someone go and get them from Pinehearst, but they could be older than that, maybe they were the originals, the ones that worked better? it doesn't matter now.
When that was done we chatted for a little while longer and played some PS3, i destroyed them at Gitar hero (go me). Elle and I went home at around 8:00pm and then ordered some Chinese. The syri8nges and liquid are safely hidden in a safe a summoned.

13 October, 2010

The Box

Its raining outside so Elle wont go anywhere. I'm quite bored. I don't really feel like doing anything really, but then i remembered the box , the key and the hand from the safe. now was as good a time as any to see what all the fuss was about.

The Box was a tricky one, although i had the key i wanted to see if the box was So special that it could only be opened with the key. It was and i got a nose bleed from trying to open it.
I opened it with the little gold key to find that inside the box was..... (OOOH SUSPENSE) 12 syringes. It became more and more apparent to me as i thought back about the telepaths (whatever happened to them? were they caught? i hope so) and how they were all given powers, (all telepathy, i imagine they all shared the same genetic coding markedy thingimy-bob or something). Were these left over? Morto probably had connections to the company and might have even been one of the founding members, i don't know, but this had to be the formula.
But i needed to test it. How?
These were the formula, they had to be and thats all i'm saying on the matter, i'm thinking about going to Tempests and having him check it out, he probably knows a lot more about it than i do.
i turned my attentions to Adam's hand. I picked it up, it was clearly old (and smelly) i'm guessing that it has been at least a year since it was attached to Adam.
"Elle!" i called, she walked in, i'm pretty sure she didn't sleep much, how can she? the TV is getting bombarded with "special bulletins"about an Equinox being captured. it makes her worried, it makes me worried. I think everyone's skittish. we have to fight back! but not right now.
"Yeah" she asked groggily.
"do you remember this hand?" i asked her
"oh so thats the smell, and yes it's one of the few things daddy let me remember about my gruesome time at the company" she said quickly. so Bob knew about it too huh? hmmm
"do you know whats in it?" i asked her.
"all i know is that it's not solid or metal, maybe like a liquid or or something? i honestly don't care" she said. With a smirk on her face i hadn't seen since Primatech.
I summoned an empty syringe and poked it into the hand. I drew out whatever was in there to find that it wasn't red but blue. blue?
"Blue?" i asked. stated? i don't know but WTF? i have to go Tempest. he might know. might.

11 October, 2010

Face space

When we arrived in my former prison cell i was more than a little weirded out, i mean i didn't think about where i wanted to go but i know that this is the third place i'd NEVER want to go to!
Elle and i were heir in my old cell, but we weren't alone.
There was a girl there, kinda short, crazy eyes and mumbling something. she obviously crazy. So before i could see who this girl was i heard noises, i teleported me and Elle out of there and back to the hotel where we're staying with Elsie. But it wasn't right there.

Elsie was on floor - dead. The guitar hero guitar was in her hands, i looked at the screen and she had just equaled my high score (bitch!). Her head was sliced open, but not across the forehead (so you can rule out Sylar) but down the middle, right between the eyes and all the way down to her chin. With half her face missing. It was disgusting, i'm sure that Elle has seen enough decapitation today to last a life time, it didn't bother me that much though. Okay i'm lying since i quite liked Elsie.
I touched Elsie for clues, i used my Clarsentience (or is it Clairvoyance? IDK, the one wear you can see the history of things).

Elsie was rocking out on Guitar Hero when a man came into the hotel room, he was silent but Elsie still saw him.
"Who are?" she asked, having just finished playing. The man looked up, a hood over his head, it appeared that he was wearing a rather nice suit underneath his hooded jacket, not unlike the ones you would see at a wedding.
"Just here to see Cleo" He said huskily, taking some more steps into the room.
"She's not here, she-she-she went to get - um - buy some groceries" Elsie lied, the man looked up, amused.
"i know she didn't" he said in a low voice, Elsie was getting freaked out now.
"If you'll leave your name i'll tell her you dropped by" she said shakily, he turned and faced her, his face obscured by his hoodie and dark glasses.
"She wont know me," he said. Elsie was about to TK him to the wall and demand him to tell her who he was, but he got in quicker: "You''ll have to do" he said. At that he TKed her to the groud and sliced her head down the middle with his TK, and pealed off half her face - it was quite distasteful. The blood, wow the blood - everywhere! dark blood and her bones were clearly visible. The man stalked out of the room with the halved face in his hand.

That was a disturbing image. Elle didn't really want to know the details, even she could see that half of Elsie's face was missing. i wondered what could have possibly possessed someone to steal half of someones face, but the thing is that he was looking for ME. he wanted to do that to ME. i certainly would never have let him, i'd kick ass but wow. this is just too creepy.
Elle appears to be pretty torn up about it. I was about to send Elsie's body away when a maid burst in.
"ARGH!!!!!!!" she screamed, "Miss Laplace, what happened?" She said, trying (and epically failing) to keep her cool. (We checked into the hotel as sisters Lindsay, Sarah and Jane Laplace) Elle and i teleported out of there quickly, leaving Elsie behind. This time we showed up in England, it rains a lot there so Elle won't be going outside much but it's away from the US, the Equinox hunting isn't quite as brutal here.

09 October, 2010

Primatech and more questions than answers

Well Primatech is pretty easy to get into, i had no trouble making my way to the safe at all, which kind of rendered Blondie and Elle useless. Elsie got a cold and explained she really wanted to 'stick it out' it was her first in over a hundred years and i guess she wanted to sa vor it.

I got down to the safe and had Blondie and Elle as look outs. I looked around the safe, a kind of silvery and cold place, although i imagine it reflects the people who created it. i wondered if there were any alarms, just to make sure i used my technopathy to shut them off.

the place was full of goodies, a key that looked useless and yes even a brain (now THATS weird) so i was looking around, that key had to be the key to something, so i grabbed it and pocketed it. When i saw the brain i instinctively thought of Sylar (i remember him now, i don't know why but i'm forgetting a lot of things from my past, i guess it's Gina playing with my mind), i wondered where he was now, he was way too powerful to be caught but maybe Peter Petrelli finally stopped being such a wimp and kicked his ass. In any case the brain reminded me of Sylar, the guy with the scary eyebrows. I turned my attentions back to finding whatever else, there were a few closed drawers, i opened one of them to find a golden box, undoubtedly the gold key would unlock it (i was right but i don't know hats in it yet). the next drawer was a human hand, i touched it and used clairvoyance on it.

'The hand. the hand.' Repeated Arthur as he sliced off the left hand of his former ally Adam. The hand grew back on to his arm but the decapitated hand lay in a plastic bag held in Arthur's arms. 'This will prove more of an asset to us than you'll ever know Adam'
'it's just a hand, i don't even write with that one' Adam joked.
'It's somewhat sick isn't it? That i should have your hand cut off for something that won't benefit "mankind", but then again, you never did anything with it to help mankind either, did you Takezo?"
'Shut up Arthur! Hiro is Takezo, well fine WAS but listen to me. I will never answer to that name. i haven't done so for 400 years' Adam said in a huff.
'The hand will do a good thing for us' Arthur repeated
'what will it do?' Adam asked him. Arthur smiled.
'You'd have to ask Linda that' Arthur said
'Linda? Tavara? she would never be caught dead with you' Adam said
'She hates us, but she asked me and i owed her a favor'
'so you don't know what my hand is for' Adam concluded.
'No' Arthur answered after a slight pause, 'but Linda will use it then give it back to us, it's not the hand Adam, it's what's inside of it. or rather what will be. i don't know what she'll put in it and frankly i don't care, so long as she doesn't do anything to damage the company. In fact it's quite the opposite, i have confirmation that she has something in her posession that benefits both us and her. I'm as surprised as you are.... I'll have Elle take you back to your room now.'
Elle walked in with sparks dancing around her fingertips with a sadistic smile on her face.
'Whats with the hand?' she asked. Arthur walked out of the room.
'He's got some things on his mind, its his wedding anniversary tonight i believe, makes quite a few men a bit age conscious, he felt he had too many wrinkles on his left hand' Adam joked.
Elle gave a slight chuckle and zapped Adams nose.

i came out of my little trance more confused than ever. Adams hand? have i ever met this Adam? I don't think it matters right now, i summoned a plastic bag and put the hand in it, something told me i had to find out what it was. I tried to use my clairvoyance to find out what Linda put in the hand, but of course she blocked it from beyond the grave. Well i guess she blocked it then and it's still blocked now even though she's dead.
I opened up another drawer, an old notebook that was full of Japanese writing lay there, i picked it up and started to flip through it, remembering my Japanese lessons in high school (i barely passed but that wasn't because i was bad at remembering the language, i just skipped it to got shopping).
it was mostly about Takezo Kensei, quite boring really, but i only got the gist of the story anyway, i pocketed the notebook then i noticed the dust in the corner, obviously swept there. I wouldn't have noticed at all but the rest of the room was so clean, sterilized actually, like a hospital room. I cautiously went over to the dust, leaning down i rubbed it between my thumb and index finger, it was ash. My clairvoyance kicked in and i knew what the dust was. an old viral of a disease. i immediately stopped touching it.
The place hadn't had much more to it, then i heard noise outside - Blondie and Elle were screaming. They probably saw a spider. But when i walked out they were fighting, fighting with someone i didn't recognize but felt like i should.

The mysterious man had a forcefield surrounding him, Claire being held against the wall and having her head chopped off, Elle was going strong (i guess) with electricity coursing through her body, the mans forcefield was weakening. I jumped into action and tried to negate his powers with little success, finally i shot black lightening, not even denting his field.
Claire slid to the floor with her head falling a foot in front of her, i didn't like her but she was a good ally. Nobody kills my allies no matter how annoying they are!
i sped at the man (who's FF) was now significantly weaker thanks to Elle) i phased through easily and met his cold, icy eyes. Then my space manipulation did something it hadn't done for a while: act of its own accord. it made a hole through the mans chest using my arm and he fell to the ground.
Elle was passed out but breathing while Claire was motionless, the alarms were back on now and Elle and I had to get of there. The empty halls rang with alarms as government people rushed through them (they struck up an allieship with Primatech i'm guessing)
Elle and i teleported out of there, leaving Claire's dead body behind.

We were in a prison. MY prison. As in the asylum i escaped from. Why did i come here? I looked around and Elle started to come to.
"CLAIRE!" she shouted.
"Dead" i said simply. Elle looked a little sad, well as sad as a sociopath can be.

08 October, 2010

I was amazed

Amazed by Blondie's (yeah she's stuck with that name for life) story, about how some girl "killed" her in some kinda way then Sylar went in and brought her back to life. I dont know how, who is this Sylar? have i met him? i could have. oh is he the one with the scary eyebrows? never mind. Any he brought her back and they escaped together, then they caught by a special ops team. Sylar's whereabouts are unknown but Claire managed to get out by sticking with Matt Parkman (whoever he is), he's on the inside os this whole mess. Catching people and putting them away for the sake of his family. i don't know something to that effect. Anyway from what i understand he's a powerful telepathic guy.

Today hasn't been very productive at all. With teams on the hunt for us Equinoxes and such we have to lay low. Claire, Elle and i know that we're on files and lists. Me especially, given how many people iv'e killed theres probably going to be an entire army dedicated to catching me (i feel special), then there's Elle. That psycho. i like her, makes me look sane. Elle Bishop isn't really much chop at anything, but the electrical part of her is very cool. She has a great amount of... whats the word? power? strength? homicidal streaks? in any case shes alright.
Elsie's getting better at Guitar Hero, but that's not important. She has a telekinetic thing going on.

Now for Ali. she has no power except her incredible Macgyver-ish-ness. Anyway she's probably been hauled in for questioning by the government, chances are she already has been. I've checked Arlington. Nothing. i hope shes okay. if shes not i'll hurt whoever hurt her! Tomorrow we strike. I know it's not a perfect plan but i'm going to get into the paper factory in Odessa (as far as i know the safe still has all its contents) and Claire and Elle will back me up. I'm getting the files on the all the dangerous people (and i mean DANGEROUS, not like those level 5 wimps) and a few other things. Including a key, Elle says it's important- that it unlocks a box of some sort.
In all honesty i don't care about a box but that safe could have something, iv'e nothing to lose

05 October, 2010

its been a long time

Elsie and i couldn't post, no scratch that. wouldn't post. No wait, yeah, couldn't. The thing is that we went to see the president, he lives in a nice house, kinda boring though (you'd think the white house would have more of a wow factor to it). anyway we went in there to try and stop him from taking all the people with powers and running tests on them etc. But the thing is- we didn't have an appointment.
now how does a person with powers (which has practically been made illegal now) get an audience with a president who doesn't seem to like you at all? why you barge in of course!
we get into oval office and he's reading a comic book (we teleported in there i think) he looked up bewildered and hid the comic under his desk (i think he was meant to be working or something).
He knew we had powers immediately, i didn't count on him having powers as well.
well aint that nifty? Hypocrite much?! well i didn't vote for him (actually i didn't vote, i was doing something very important that day - beating my guitar hero score). Else's pretty good at GH, but she'll never be as good as me, well i hope not, since i can play most instruments (picked up a nice talent for music from some chick called Emma in New York) i think Elsie has a long way to go.
anyway he had me frozen there, like a mental block, mental and physical actually. then he grabbed a tazor out and you know, tazored us.
I woke up in a padded cell with these two marks on my neck (WTF is up with that?) and it was completely white. i'd never been in an asylum before, well i might have been, i can't really remember some parts of my life. Anyway i was groggy, and was a little off balance, but i soon got a bit more level headed and tried to teleport - nothin. nada. zilch. Then Gina took over, she went crazy!! Kick8ng things punching the walls (the fact that the walls were padded and my knuckles still bled go to show you how strong i- or Gina am/is). We both tired out and we settled into a rather uncomfortable stay in an Equinox asylum. Yeah people with powers now have an official name- Equinoxes. i don't know what it means nor do i care, i'm just glad it sounds cool.

People came in every five hours to inject me with something (i think to keep my powers from resurfacing), it really sucked and my shoulder still hurts. I spent a long time like this, maybe months! it doesn't really matter how long. all i know is that i only had Gina to talk to, she's pretty interesting, she was the leader singer/guitarist for a band called Broken Misery. Apparentky they were on the cusp of fame before the drummer found out that the Harry Potter franchise was going to end soon and then jumped off a cliff. Yeah then they didn't so too well and Gina died in a car accident, had her mind extracted by the proclaimers and they gave put her in my head as some kind of punishment. funny how now my other personality is the only thing keeping me sane. I have noticed the irony.

Anyways i stayed like this for abou 5 monthes, then one day what should happen but Elle, Blondie (that idiot cheerleader who revealed the powers) and my old team that i assembled: Tracy Strauss, Adonis, Helen and Ronald. i still don't know how they got or even how they knew about this place! but i'm glad they did, Claire was like a shield for all the bullets (GOD i wish that girl could feel pain, i hate her so much!) anyway they saved us.

so me and Elsie are just outta the slammer. and we're so stopping this government thing. Oh we have Claire and Elle with us, the others were killed (Tracy was a bitch anyway). It's funny watching them argue, i also liked it when Gina took over and slapped them both. i know that Claire couldn't feel it b she was still shocked and it was hilarious. well thats over now to look forward to the future.
And find Ali. (my sister i mentioned her a few posts back)